Sunday, February 11, 2024

But why? And thieving some joy

I mean, obviously, the project is too big. It's incomplete, and incompletable. It's anachronistic, a one-man band in an era of collaborative symphonic orchestrations, big linked data.

I can't compete with Arachne, for instance (or the whole ensemble of iDAI)--how could I? I can't compete with the Beazley Archive for pottery. I can't compete with Digital LIMC for illustrating Classical mythology. I can't compete with the Catalogo generale dei Beni Culturali (see, in particular, the currently 376172 results in Beni archeologici!) for the sites and artifacts of Italy. I'm sure I'm forgetting other projects of this ilk; it's late. (Edited to add: Wikimedia Commons! I can only bow in awe... and meanwhile mutter that there aren't enough cross-cutting boxes)

Why continue? Well, it's my own form of madness. I hear from many of you that you find it helpful, and I'm very glad for that. It does encourage me to keep going! But at root I would probably be doing it anyhow, to scratch my own peculiar itches, which have a lot to do with adding context to absolutely everything--sorting everything into little (and not-so-little) boxes. The great thing is that they can each go into multiple boxes! I can cross disciplinary, chronological, and geographical boundaries when and where I feel like it.

What's more, for certain classes of material, I can compete with Arachne; for example, they only have nine photos of Genucilia plates; where I've got, as of this writing, 76 such photos (and there are more on the way, Leah and Laura!). Now, the Catalogo Generale returns 108 results for Genucilia. Maddeningly, however, the majority of these include only photos of the profile of the plates (not even profile drawings, except in rare cases). My brother in Bacchus, no one is looking for side-views of Genucilia plates, at least not to the exclusion of the tondo decoration.

Further, hoo boy, the Catalogo Generale has a clunky interface. And if I want to see other artifacts with the same provenance as a given Genucilia plate, I'm going to potentially get everything from the Neolithic to the 1950s. That could be cool for some people, but it's not what I'm looking for. I can also see other artifacts from the same chronological range (here we're limited to half-century spans, which is probably realistic for a big archaeological database). You can compare "349 a.C - 300 a.C" on the CatGen with "2nd half 4th c. BCE" on my Flickr. If you want to get a sense of Late Classical-very Early Hellenistic material culture, you might want to have a look at both! Of course, my results are going to skew slightly more monumental and flashy (though I do try to get some cookpots in where possible), because I'm limited to what makes its way into museum cases, whereas the CatGen in theory has access to all the archaeological storerooms of Italy, even if this dream is far from being realized as yet). But I can show you things from outside the national boundaries of Italy, even if they were originally found there. And ideally it should be easy to see monuments, sculpture, potsherds, and miniature terracottas cheek-by-jowl for a given time and place. Another benefit, from my point of view: conceptual categories such as "Ancient dance" or  "Funerary lions of antiquity"; (we can also have a little fun sometimes, as a treat).

Not to be forgotten: being able to license all the photos as Creative Commons! This is becoming more common with the big databases, but it's not universal.

There is also the possibility of being able to put together collections of photos for teaching purposes (albeit imaginary classes that it seems increasingly unlikely I will ever be able to teach). 

Other considerations: I'm not dependent on external funding (well, I am, to the extent that I still need to eat, access the internet, buy more backup storage, and keep the Flickr subscription renewing ad infinitum). I am, however, dependent on Flickr continuing to exist. There have been times in the past two decades when it hasn't looked good, but by golly they've scraped by and carried on. If something were to happen, I'm confident someone would build a place to go. In a sense, Flickr is just a frame to hang all the metadata on. (But I very much hope it sticks around as long as conceivably possible! Which of course leads me to another limitation--I have to stick around as long as conceivably possible. Now, if the human world is still chugging along for the foreseeable, I absolutely need to get this m(a/e)ss of photos and metadata into some kind of an institutional framework sooner or later. But that's not for this post.)

Autoarchaeology, or, retrointrospection

 Since I've been blogging again, I took some time to read back through my previous posts. I started this darn thing nearly 20 years ago, somehow... Anyway, I rediscovered a bit of my own past, namely the fact that my Flickr antiquity project actually predates my being on Flickr (I can't tell or remember if it predates Flickr itself, but it could).

It started with a website on, which no longer exists, neither the host nor my site, though it stuck around long enough to get scooped up by the Wayback Machine here. I called it "Emporical Images of the Ancient World," and it's really the same idea in nuce as my Flickr account, just that my interests have become slightly less parochial. As for the name, "I want it to be an emporion for the empirical study of Antiquity, hence the name."

As I wrote, no later than the summer of 2005,

The scope of this site is generally Europe, the Mediterranean, and the Near East in the pre-modern period. The focus is generally miltary equipment and representations, but is really limited only by my own whims, resources and abilities. The basis is my own collection of digital photographs, but this has been supplemented where necessary and/or desirable. *NOTE:* This site will never be "complete" or "finished." I envision it as a perpetual work-in-progress: it will change as I go new places, take new pictures, add new information and revise old information"

More on Flickr: tags and timelines

The Etruscan ritual calendar called the Tabula Capuana; see more here.

In addition to the collections approach detailed in yesterday's post, Flickr also allows up to 75 tags per photo. I try to use these in two ways. There a bunch of general tags to start out with, to help steer in people from search engines. Then there are more specific ones meant to be useful from within the site. Among these, along with things like material ("marble," "bronze," "ceramic") and culture (a concept to be problematized, for sure, but handy in a pinch; e.g. "Egyptian," "Greek," "Etruscan") are, in particular, the chronology tags.

For instance, a photo could have the following tags:

        "5th c. BCE" "early 5th c. BCE" "1st half 5th c. BCE" "1st quarter 5th c. BCE" "490s BCE" "480s BCE" "470s BCE"

Decades are generally the smallest temporal denomination possible (unless there's a coin or an inscription that allows precision to the year, but those are rarely going to be useful when searching for other things). Of course, different categories of material can be dated with different degrees of precision. There are some prehistoric artifacts that just get, say, a "3rd millennium BCE" tag. I don't bother when it's 1st millennium BCE or CE, but just go directly to centuries. Plenty of things only datable to the century.

I generally only add decade tags when the thing in question can be dated to within a quarter-century. 

For the time being, there's no good front-end to just browse by chrono-tags. You can click on them from existing photos, or plug them in using the following URL, substituting 470sBCE for the relevant unit (e.g., 5thcBCE, early5thcBCE, 1stHalf5thcBCE, 1stQuarter5thcBCE... not case-sensitive):

If you want to combine the chrono-tags with other tags, just add them after a comma, like so:,bronze

In addition to the material and culture tags above, I'll add the shape (hydria, column krater) for ceramics, figures depicted (Theseus or Artemis - this can get tricky for gods, since you're likely to end up with photos of their temples or sanctuaries; if you just want photos of representations of the deity, you may be better off using the Gods, heroes, and mythical creatures collection), or just what the thing is (grater, figurine). As the scope of the project has increasingly come to focus on Italy, I've tried to add most tags in both English and Italian (beyond any other locally-relevant languages). The chrono-tags are only in English, though; the 75-tag limit doesn't make it feasible otherwise.

Not immediately relevant to searching directly via Flickr, but I also want to mention here Pleiades machine-tags. These are a way of integrating photos in Flickr (not just mine!) with the ancient-world linked-data gazetteer that is Pleiades (you all already know about Pleiades, I hope). There are a couple of write-ups from back when these were first implemented, here and here, but in short: I can add a machine tag to a photo, let's say.: pleiades:findspot=432754 That code links to the site of Capua on Pleiades. There, on the right-hand sidebar, you'll see "132 other related photos" (more in the near future, probably!). Clicking on that will get you all of the photos on Flickr which have been tagged as either depicting Capua or as of artifacts with a findspot of Capua. If you're uploading photos of ancient stuff to Flickr, I recommend adding Pleiades machine tags! If not, if you leave your tags open, I might add them myself... 

(Ancientists reading this, I'd love to hear your thoughts on chronological definitions: I've got a pretty good idea of when the concept of the "early 5th c. BCE" begins, but when, in your mind, does it end? When does it become "mid 5th c. BCE"?  Also, I'd be interested to hear of other ways of dividing centuries. I once saw them divided by thirds in a museum in Germany. Absolute mad lads.)

Saturday, February 10, 2024

A guide to using my Flickr resources using collections

It has often occurred to me over the past several years that the structure of my Flickr account (dedicated mostly to archaeological sites and artifacts from the ancient Mediterranean in its broadest sense) is probably somewhat opaque to most users. I imagine that, typically, if you've encountered it previously, it was a search result for some ancient type of thing or site you were googling. And that's great! That's part of the reason I try to get 100% of your daily tags and metadata into each photo (the Flickr 75-tag limit per photo is kind of a bummer, though). 

There are other ways, though. For some reason, Flickr makes it very hard to even learn of the existence of Collections, which are albums full of albums. A tiny bit of structured data for you! Anyway, they're available here:

The first collection is "Topography," within which you will find sub-collections by country. The most thorough by far are Greece and Italy. (n.b. there are also several countries that I haven't visited, but which have produced artifacts that I've photographed elsewhere, so they have a collection, but are usually very skimpy in terms of uploaded photos.) Within each country are further nested sub-collections by region or state, and within each region are the albums. The principal types of topographic albums are Sites (usually titled with the ancient name(s), sometimes with a nod to the modern name) and Museums (these also include photos of a museum's permanent collection that I've photographed on display on loan somewhere else). Occasionally some non-ancient album has snuck in.

The next collection is "Subject/Object Types." This is a big one, and there are no sub-collections. For now, it's kind of a grab-bag of albums that haven't gotten structured elsewhere. These are albums based on type of thing or concept. A few examples (out of the current 194 albums within) include "Ancient architectural models," "Ancient molds," "Ancient slavery," "ELC votives," "Greek athletics," "Museum galleries," "Small bronzes." Ideally I have attempted to organize the contents of each album chronologically, oldest to most recent, but in practice this is rare.

Next collection: "Gods, heroes, and mythical creatures." As it says on the tin. If you don't see an album here of the figure you're looking for, it doesn't mean there isn't a relevant photo; I just might not have created a special folder yet.

Collection: "Ancient persons." A grab-bag of emperors and other personalities who had their picture taken more than once in antiquity. For now pretty sparsely populated--just give me another 50 years or so... 

Collection: "Animals." Within you will find albums collecting photos of different animals (as represented in ancient visual media, for the most part).

Collection: "Ceramics by type." A relatively recent creation. Different wares, classes, techniques. No structure as yet other than alphabetization. 

Collection: "Named vase-painters, groups, etc." Also recent. Also, a lot of the albums within will have photos of only a single pot attributed to the titular painter. Someday, maybe, they will get friends.

Collection: "Materials." Go here if you're looking for photos of something made out of a particular material (for example, bronze, or a particular kind of marble [though, again, marble sub-categories remain mostly aspirational]).

Collection: "Particular objects and contexts." The albums within are typically tomb-groups where I've photographed the contents individually, or particular artifacts/artworks that warrant multiple photos. There's no strict criterion, and I could probably create more of these albums.

Collection: "Exhibits." These are albums of galleries and artifacts displayed in special exhibits. Frustratingly, Flickr doesn't show you very much of the title of each from this page. 

Collection: "Historic collections." These are albums collecting artifacts that once formed part of a particular or well-known private collection, which are now either split among multiple museums or simply make up a relevant part of a single museum.

Collection: "Inscriptions." Epigrafiends go here: sub-collections of inscriptions divided by language.

Collection: "Sculptors and their traditions." Totally aspirational, mostly a holding tank for future albums. 

Collection: "Masonry styles." Another almost empty, aspirational collection.

There's no grand plan, there's only good intentions and fickle attentions... There are a few classes of material that I try to make a point of always uploading once I've photographed them, however; if you're dying of boredom, you could try to figure out what they are. And if structure isn't your thing, you can as always just dive into the photostream from the most recent uploads here:

As always, if there's something you're looking for and don't see it on my Flickr account, feel free to drop me a line and ask. I have literally tens of thousands of photos taken but not "yet" uploaded. In particular, if there's an album with only a single photo in it, it's very likely that I have others of that category not yet edited.