Thursday, April 22, 2010

Torre di Satriano back in the news

The mid-6th century BCE building at Torre di Satriano in Lucania is back in the news; we last heard about it in January, when the news-worthy angle was calling it a 'palace'. This time around it's the news that the 'temple or palace' has got a pre-fab roof system. The Telegraph and other English-language sources have the idea that the whole building, stones and all, was so built, but I believe that the inscriptions are limited to the terracotta elements of the roof system (for which see the informative Unibas site, images numbers 15-20 and 32-60). The inscriptions on are in Laconian-Tarentine characters of the 6th c., matching the date proposed on the basis of the decoration.

The whole system is similar to one known from Serra di Vaglio, loc. Braida, which may come from the same moulds. The mid-6th century structure at Torre di Satriano was transformed in the late 6th/early 5th century and re-roofed with anthemia and lion-head waterspouts of Tarentine moulds. In plan, the structure seems to a have a megaron-like element, to which is appended a colonnaded porch on the side that shifts the entrance to the short axis (see, e.g. fig. 34).

[ANSA; Telegraph; Times Online; Vancouver Sun]

Previous coverage at Tria Corda:
6th c. BCE Palace at Torre di Satriano

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